Nutritional peculiarities of weight loss


The danger of being overweight is that it is gained gradually. If we got up in the morning and saw +20 kg in the mirror, action would be taken immediately. But the pounds appear little by little, the volume grows slowly, the familiar clothes fit a little tighter, is this a reason to change the diet and limit yourself? If you read the stories of thinners, almost all say that they did not pay attention to +1-2-5 kg, and then found that appeared shortness of breath, pain in the joints, and things can be found only in larger stores.

To achieve a stable weight loss, you need to completely change your diet, create a calorie deficit, remove fast carbohydrates, balance the menu by LCF, eat only healthy foods.

Immediately about fashionable express diets. Cutting calories sharply, starvation give you a loss of up to 2-3 kilograms per day, but firstly, it is leaving water, and secondly, as soon as you go back to your usual foods, all the kilograms will return. To defeat the extra weight you will have to break your whole lifestyle.

There is no problem in making a new menu to start the weight loss process. The question is another: How do you deal with yourself?

The top 3 reasons for quitting diets:

You have to choose products carefully, read the composition.
You have to count calories.
Taking more time to cook.

Indeed, if normally when you felt hungry you could snack on buns from the bakery on the way or run into McDonald’s, now you have to take containers of lunches with you, cook three or four healthy meals every day for yourself and for the rest of the family. In order to lose weight, you have to follow a clear eating schedule. The inconveniences and restrictions make you quickly lose motivation – proper nutrition seems too complicated, expensive and in general… lived without it, there is nothing to begin with.

The principles of proper nutrition for weight loss:

Spend more calories than we eat. If the goal is not weight loss, but support, a balance is allowed, we spend as much as we consume.
We replace unhealthy products with dietary analogues. For example, instead of sweet yoghurt with starch, stabilizers, coloring agents and a ton of sugar, we take bio-yoghurt and a spoonful of jam.
Make a varied menu. Of course, you can eat one rice with chicken breast, but such a diet, despite its undoubted benefit in losing weight, will quickly make you sob, and it is not healthy.
We eat at approximately the same time. So the body gets used to digesting food by the hour and it is easier to part with fat reserves.
We drink a lot – at least 1,5 liter of water per day. Water removes toxins, normalizes digestion, reduces hunger.

What to eat to lose weight?

For normal functioning, the body needs BFA, fiber, vitamins, micronutrients. The menu for weight loss consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, dietary fish, meat and poultry, cereals, nuts, greens. Forbidden are semi-finished products, ready-made smoked foods, pickles, sweets and alcohol. Salt retains water, edema appears, alcohol provokes appetite, harmful fats are deposited on the walls of internal organs.

How many meals?

For a smooth, long-term weight loss, you need to eat 4-5 times in small portions. It is convenient to prepare food at once for a couple of days, pack it in containers and store it in the refrigerator.

How much to drink?

In addition to proper nutrition, water affects the speed and effectiveness of weight loss. To calculate the daily norm there is a formula: per 1 kg 30 ml of water. Tea, coffee and other drinks do not count.

How to drink:

A glass of warm water 20 minutes before meals – to start digestion;
Do not drink during meals;
Divide daily volume into roughly equal portions, do not drink it all at once.

Daily caloric intake

The average diet for a middle-aged man is 2500 kcal, for a woman – 2000 kcal. Use formulas for accurate calculations.

Calculation of metabolic parameters:

For women: 10 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) – 5 x age – 161.
For men = 10 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) – 5 x age + 5.
Multiply the result by the activity factor:

minimum movement – 1.2;
walking and infrequent exercise – 1.375;
sports three to five times a week – 1.55;
daily sports – 1.725;
Sports + physical work – 1.9.
To lose weight, create a caloric deficit in your diet: reduce your caloric intake by 15-20%.

It is impossible to sharply reduce the usual diet, to eat on the principle of “ran across the bridge, grabbed a maple leaf”. Diets with a caloric value below 1200 kcal for women and 1800 kcal for men are prohibited.

So, a proper diet for weight loss should be:

Healthy – remove ready-made baked goods, sweets, semi-finished products;
Fractional and regular – do not skip meals;
Complete – watch the daily calorie intake and reduce it gradually;
Varied – so it is easier to stick to your diet;
Tasty – less temptation to go on a cheat meal.